Interesting listen. Curious as to what you saw in mine vs what I intended to put there. (I was runner up with the Paul Bunyan of Mars story) Found you on Mike Cernovich’s Twitter a few years back and I enjoy your stories so was happy to have something read by you. Believe we have similar thoughts and concerns about AI. I’m mostly a normie, or trying to be these days, but I do see a love of humanity and reverence for the divine in your stories as I hope you saw in mine. Best mark of character to me is what kind of world a person builds in their head and you can’t have a truly scary one without appreciation of what’s put at stake. I consider us to be well met on those grounds.

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Yes hello. I greatly enjoyed your story, I think that is clear. I loved the way you handled the nascent AI singularity and the treatment of consciousness uploading as a kind of mass slaughter. It is extremely rare to see a story that has a sensitive understanding of transhumanist themes which also regards them with horror. What cinched it for me was the ending, the poignancy of the moment where the loving father returns. My biggest complaint with your story is that it really ought to be a novel.

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Now I want to read the story. Where can I find it?

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Your writing is great.

I have no idea about your audio stuff, because after five seconds I feel the intense need to punch concrete, caused by what I imagine must be a voice-scrambler set to 34Hz, piped through a walkie-talkie before uploaded via Real Audio on a 56K modem. I assumed its also quite good, but I'll never know.

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Explosive intro into podcasting. This analysis was super helpful. It doesn’t make me want to tear the book I’m working on to shreds, for which I breathe a sigh of relief, but rather it makes me appreciate it more. I now know which minor cracks must be filled and where polish is required. Thank you Zero!

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I am ashamed of writing anything in here after this reading hahaha I am a Brazilian dude, but this was a very insightfull text, thank you very much

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thank you for your kind words

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But of course he'd name himself "Sid" or "Siddhartha". That was the Buddha's princely name, before he sought and found enlightenment.

The boy misunderstood the life story he had adopted as his own.

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Fantastic. I hope much more is to come. You are very simmiler to BAP in format, a great choice.

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Very good

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A masterpiece. Shared with my friends.

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This was helpful. You are generous. Thank you.

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Looking forward to reading the winning entry! Thanks for judging the contest, it must have been a lot of work. Would be interested to hear what you thought of my submission, when / if you get a chance. "Moon Misbegotten."

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I am fascinated by these clearly articulated ideas. Don't necessarily agree with them 100% (nor would I expect you to expect that) but it is refreshing to see them laid out so clearly.

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